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weather.gif (1472 bytes)Weather
Fall: The average temperature is 15C, warm and pleasant. Mostly sunny and moderately dry.

Winter: Average temperature is 10C, rather cold and dry.

Spring: Average temperature is 17C, humid and warm. The rainy season begins towards the end of spring.

Summer: The average temperature is 23C, wet and hot. Daily thunderstorms and rain.

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Air - All flights arrive at In Tallavera Airport, about 30 minutes ($8) by cab from downtown Cordoba. The aiport has direct links the main cities in Argentina and Latinamerica. Tallavera's carriers include: Varig, Aerolineas Argentinas, Transbrasil, Lloyd Aeroboliviano, SW, Austral, LAPA, Dinar, TAN, and Andesmar.

Taxis - Taxis are black and yellow. The fare is metered.

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Medical Facilities
Cordoba has quality medical centers. They are: Hospital Privado, Sanatorio Allende, Clinica del Sol, and Hospital de Ninos (Children's Hospital).

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