For more information, contact your travel agent or the most convenient Tourist
Bahamas Tourist Office
1 Turnberry Blvd.
19495 Biscayne Blvd. Suite # 804
Aventura, FL 33180
Phone: 305-932-0051
Fax: 305-682-8758 Bahamas Tourist Office
1200 South Pine Island Road,
Suite # 750
Plantation, FL 33324
Phone: 954-236-9292
Fax: 954-236-9282
Email: bmotfl@bahamas.com
Bahamas Tourist Office
8600 West Bryn Mawr Ave.
Suite # 580 North
Chicago, IL 60631
Phone: 312-693-1500
Fax: 312-693-1114
Email: bmotch@bahamas.com Texas
Bahamas Tourist Office
3102 Oak Lawn Ave.
Suite # 700
Dallas, TX 75219
Phone: 214-550-2280
Fax: 214-560-2281
Email: bmotch@bahamas.com California
Bahamas Tourist Office
3450 Wiltshire Blvd.
Suite # 1204
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Phone: 213-385-0033
Fax: 213-383-3966
Email: bmotla@bahamas.com
New York
Bahamas Tourist Office
150 E. 52nd St.
28th Floor North
New York, NY 10022
Phone: 212-758-2777
Fax: 212-753-6531
Email: bmotny@bahamas.com
Bahamas Tourist Office
121 Bloor St. East
Suite # 1101
Toronto, Ontario M4W 3M5
Phone: 416-968-2999
Fax: 416-968-6711 Quebec
Bahmas Tourist Office
1130 Sherbrooke Street
Suite # 750
Montreal, Quebec H34 2MB
Phone: 800-667-3777
Fax: 416-448-5116
Europe Germany, Switzerland, Austria
Bahamas Tourist Office
c/o Herzog HC GmbH
Friesstr. 3
60388 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: 069/42089049
Fax: 069/42089027
United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Scandinavia
Bahamas Tourist Office
Three, Thr Billings
Walnut Tree Close
Guildford GU1 4 UL
Phone: 01-483-448-900
Fax: 01-483-448-990 Bahamas Tourist Office
10 Chestersfield Street
London W1J 5JL
Phone: 020-7355-0800
Fax: 020-7493-9031
info@bahamas.co.uk Italy,
Bahamas Tourist Office
Corso Magenta 54
20123 Milan
Phone: 02-48194390
Fax: 02-4693248
Email: info@vertex.ws
France, Belgium, Portugal, Spain
113 – 115 Rue de Cherché
75006 Paris Midi
Phone: 01-45266262
Fax: 01-48740605
Email: info@bahamas-tourisme.fr The Bahamas
Bahamas Tourist Office
Nassau International Airport
New Providence
Phone: 800-327-9019 Bahamas Tourist Office
Rawson Square
Bay Street
New Providence
Phone: 242-322-7801 Grand Bahama Tourist Office
International Bazar
Grand Bahama
Phone: 242-352-8044 Bahamas Ministry of Tourism
P.O. Box N 3701
Market Place
Bay Street
New Providence
Phone: 242-322-7501
Fax: 242-302-2098