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Turks and Caicos Islands is the sort of place that inspires a deep and abiding interest by its visitors. Today there is a substantial community of travelers who maintain regular contact with the islands and assist in efforts to maintain the island's pristine natural environment. For that community, as well as for those who would like to learn more about this remarkable destination, we maintain a Turks and Caicos Islands newsgroup.

Please visit the newsgroup to share your experiences on Turks and Caicos Islands, to exchange information and opinions with other enthusiasts, or to simply find out about recent goings-on.

For prospective guests, we also offer a service that allows you to communicate directly with the Turks and Caicos Islands Tourism Board. Click here to ask questions or make comments.

For your convenience, we have a Turks and Caicos Islands FAQ (a list of frequently asked questions).

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  The Original Official Web Site of the Turks & Caicos Tourist Board  
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