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Useful Facts


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Average monthly temperatures:

January 73F no rain
February 79F no rain
March 82F no rain
April 84F no rain
May 86F no rain
June 84F limited rain
July 84F heavy rain
August 82F heavy rain
September 82F heavy rain
October 81F moderate rain
November 78F moderate rain
December 75F limited rain

trans02.JPG (5243 bytes)Transportation
Air - All flights arrive at Bahias de Huatulco Airport, about 25 minutes from the main hotel area. Both Aeromexico and Mexican service the town with flights to and from Mexico City.

Taxis -  Taxis are available. Agree on fares ahead of time.

Local Banks
Banamex, Bancomer, Inverlat, Bital.

cadeuc4.gif (287 bytes)Medical Facilities
Huatulco doesn't have any private hospitals, but there are public clinics and medical centers such as the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) and the Red Cross Hospital.

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